They’ve not set up an auto response for NON-Keyword messages. Why is this important? What happens if your follower mis-spells your keyword. Or worse… what if they spell your keyword right and the AUTOCORRECT feature changes it! The horror! This is something they need to fix. After waiting a bit and not getting a response, I texted in the word “Biden” and that got me a response. Clearly they have a number of keywords set up… and BIDEN is one of them! It makes me wonder what would have happened if I’d started with the word “UNITED”… would I have received a different message? Anyway, too late now. I love Biden’s auto responder.
First, they follow the best practice of “STOP to quit”, and noting “MessageDataRatesMayApply”. They even sent a link to the “Terms” for being on the texting list. Those are industry best practices and I’m happy to see them in action. or send any type Frist Database of text message – follow these best practices like Biden does! The other thing I love about Biden’s welcome message is the request for my Name and Zip Code. This makes sense as I’m sure the Biden team is segmenting all of their followers… This gives them great leverage in connecting with voters on local level issues. I assume they’ll connect about when voting opens, mail in ballot deadlines, and the like!

What I found great was after texting back my Zip Code, I got a follow-up message asking how I could help. Here’s why I love this follow-up text… one they’re asking for me to help, and connecting with me by giving me an option. Best of all, I get to pick how I get to help. They set up a simple survey! This is a simple survey that anyone can set up in their texting system. What you do is use your Keywords , and “D” all replying with different responses. Better still, you can use these responses to segment your list even further. I was curious about the donation option, so I texted back “D” to Donate and I immediately got a message with a link to donate.