The strong points are variable, and thanks to them the turnover increases. An objective analysis will answer the following questions: What does our company do best? According to other people, what are the company's strengths? What are the unique resources that the company relies on? Examples of strengths: fast delivery, product packaging, polite employees. W (Weaknesses) Weaknesses are the internal attributes of the company that require increased attention in order to eliminate or change them. In order to correctly identify weaknesses, a correct answer to several relevant questions is necessary.
What are the areas where the business needs to be improved? What are the Phone Number Data recurring issues? What could unlock business development? Examples of weaknesses: lack of a quality control service, territorial unavailability, lack of customer orientation. O (Opportunities) Opportunities are external factors: market events that the company does not have direct access to, but which influence its growth. Answering the following questions can create opportunities for the company: Can changing an internal process lead to growth opportunities? Furthermore, keeping an external perspective, what are the opportunities that the company can take advantage of.

How can I turn my strengths into opportunities? Examples of opportunities: reducing customs duties, using technology and digitization, establishing new procedures. T (Threats) Threats relate to external events that a company cannot control or manage, whether economic or political in nature. To prevent a crisis within the company, answers to the following questions will be sought: What threats can harm the development of the company? What does the competition do in this situation? What threats do the company's weaknesses expose? Examples of threats: tax increase, inflation, economic crisis, legislative changes, quarantine, change of political power. T (Trends) An additional element is the dominant trends in the industry in which the business operates. Unlike the other four components, this factor is not subjective in nature, but fact-based and should be treated as such.