The introduction of this fact check stemmed from the spread of false information during the US presidential election. For entertainment, gossip, and other entertainment-oriented articles, it may be necessary to write funny and sometimes even lies to entertain users. However, in medical content and other areas, lies and incorrect information can affect a person's life or death. Google doesn't want users to get the wrong information, so in the near future, the truth or falsity of articles may be incorporated into ranking criteria. As fact-checking progresses, it is expected that we will enter an era in which the credibility of articles will be increasingly questioned.
Currently, the scope of implementation is still limited, but content such as curation Oman Phone Number Data sites and summary sites where the authenticity of the written content is uncertain will not be evaluated by Google and will be difficult for users to click on in search results. etc. are quite possible. In addition, sites that are full of false information may be subject to manual countermeasures from Google and may be penalized. Although it is still in the early stages of implementation, let's start following the trends now so that we are never left unaware. Post related articles with internal links Let's introduce related articles using internal links. This can meet the needs of users who want to know more.

In other words, it has a positive impact on SEO in that it is a highly usable site that posts desired articles so that they can be viewed immediately. In addition, the most significant significance of internal linking is that Google's crawler, which patrols the site to evaluate the site, can easily crawl the entire site if it has internal links. You can get a good evaluation. Take advantage of SEO by connecting articles on your site with internal links. If you would like to know more about the SEO effects of internal links, please see the article below.Explanation of how to add them useful for SEO measures Let's use blockquote (quote tag) As you create content, you may come across situations where you would like to quote explanations or explanations of difficult technical terms. In such cases, it is common to quote other content. What you should be careful about when doing so is to avoid being judged as a copy/paste.