This means that what we have emphasized many times during our joint recordings is that when preparing a Google Ads campaign, we must take care of every stage of the sales funnel. That is, the stage of reaching customers and the sales stage, to put it briefly. When planning an advertising campaign with a small budget, we must divide it in such a way as to reach people both at this reach stage and at the sales stage as precisely as possible. How small is this budget?
Minimum cost of a Google Ads campaign AJ: In that case, I will interject words very often America Cell Phone Number List to try to put it on a simpler path. So maybe we'll even take a step back to ask ourselves a different question. What kind of budget is a small budget? Because, you know, what is sometimes a daily or hourly budget for one person (it can be hundreds of zlotys), for another person is a budget for the whole month.

So if you were to determine an absolutely minimum budget below which, in your opinion, for example, if you are a) a small local company b) a starting online store or c) some other simple service business, it is not worth even starting with Google Ads because there is nothing there is no right to come from this, so what would this money be? MM: It's really hard to define one amount because I can imagine a situation where we have a cafe. A small cafe. We launch the campaign within a radius of kilometers from our cafe, which operates only during the opening hours of our cafe, and we define the group of people very precisely.