Too little interest in the product (search advertising) If you base your Google Ads campaigns largely on search ads your budget is largely influenced by interest in your products or services. If you operate in a niche industry or run a local business the number of queries for your keywords may simply be too low to spend your entire budget. Low quality of Google Ads ads When the quality of your site and Google campaign is low you will lose the auction with other advertisers. This will translate into less ad visibility and consequently a smaller budget spent. To change this check the quality score of your ads in the whether your landing page actually responds to user queries. See also: Do you want to improve the
effectiveness of your paid campaigns? We will prepare a Google Ads Audit for you Targeting too narrow Another reason why your ads aren't showing may be that your targeting is too narrow. When you specify your target group very precisely it may turn Asia Mobile Number List out that it is so small that your ads will not be displayed often. It's similar in the search network where limiting keywords too much will have a similar effect. In such a situation test broader targeting and see how it affects the conversion rate. It is not always worth spending your budget too much - if it turns out that
the clicks are of little value it is better to stay with a lower budget but reach valuable users. Ads are displayed too frequently One of the factors we pay attention to at digitalk when optimizing advertising is the frequency of advertising display per user. This is a common case in remarketing campaigns when we target advertising to people who have already been to the site. If the recipient group is too small the system displays the ad too many times to the same person. Most often this has the opposite effect to that intended and the user becomes irritated by this fact. Therefore in such a situation we limit the number of views per user which may result in not using the entire advertising budget.