Upon adding the 11” Chromebook to my cart, the following pop up came up on my Amazon sidebar:Amazon's recommendation pop-upWhat better way to end a laptop purchase than by purchasing a laptop case to keep it safe, right?Scrolling down the actual product page shows this:ecommerce user experience bottom bar of recommendationsI didn’t eventually purchase the Dell Chromebook on Amazon’s site, but that didn’t deter the ecommerce giant. Instead, I got the following email with recommendations similar to my order days later:Amazon recommendations by emailSo what is the method to Amazon’s madness.
Research by Marketing Sherpa that studied email conversion rates Belarus Mobile Number List analyzed two types of campaigns: the general “batch-and-blast” approach and the Amazon-style “targeted” approach where offers are targeted and recommended to users based on factors like interest and site activity. The Amazon-style approach converted significantly better, resulting in a massive 208% increase in conversion rates.
Amazon’s recommendation engine does two things:It tries to understand exactly what products a user is likely to be interested in immediately after making a particular purchase by using big data.It positions that product immediately alongside what the user is about to purchase and includes a prompt to purchase it.So far, the result has been impressive. Amazon’s recommendation engine is responsible for a whopping 35% of revenue generated on Amazon.com. When you consider the fact that Amazon alone accounts for about half of all online retail sales in the US.