This strategy is used very often in marketing, especially when you are starting a business from scratch. The reason is simple: you need to set yourself a goal that is capable of giving you results with a good probability. Selling everything to everyone is one of the mistakes you absolutely must avoid. Also consider the aspect of authority: specialization today is more important than you imagine. Here is a simple example: Is a chef also an excellent pastry chef? Not always.
Does a pastry shop have the preparation of cakes as its strong point? Maybe yes, but, even in this case, it is not certain. Is someone who makes delicious cakes also a master of cake design? Depends. So if a user is Phone Number Data looking for a decorated cake for a birthday, who do you think they're looking for? What could be your niche for selling out-of-the-ordinary online pastry courses? For example the American Bakery . American cakes, in fact, are something more than a passing fad. 2. Create your website pastry shop website creation In the web marketing strategy we suggest to start selling your pastry courses online, the website plays a fundamental role, or rather two.
First point of contact Thanks to SEO, your website can become the place.where, for the first time, a user sees who you are and what you do. This happens because people, when they have a need, such as, for example, learning how to make a tasty cake, turn to Google. Being at the forefront with the answer to their curiosity, therefore, is strategic. As we saw in the previous point, the advantage of having chosen your own niche allows you to concentrate your efforts only on a small number of keywords. Not only will positioning be easier for you, but you will also be able to provide a very relevant response to the user. Still remaining linked to the example of the American bakery.