The truth is that keeping it simple is very comple but it is a guarantee of authenticity. It is not necessary to multiply the artifices to play fair. A Marketing that adds money is a Marketing that rings false. I see it regularly in my actions. When I stray from my values or am not perfectly in my place, I overplay. My tets are heavy, my emails and my publications are not impactful. If I dont get along with a client and I have to pretend, Im not performing well. This is why I cant work with everyone. I understood it one evening, in my bed, putting the world back together. My brain stumbled upon a parado that will perhaps speak to you.
On clients Im not being authentic with Or they like me for someone Im not, and so they Albania WhatsApp Number dont really like me. Or they dont like me for someone Im not, and thats unfair. I meditated. A long time. Then I understood that it was better to be yourself, even if it meant taking the risk of letting customers pass you by. We cannot collaborate with everyone. I can get results with a company that does not share the values I describe to you here. But it will be painful. For her as for me. the authenticity of sushi inspiring for marketing Respect raw materials Before, I massaged the octopus minutes before preparing it.

Now I massage it for minutes Jirōs rice supplier admits he only sells certain rice to Jirō because only he knows how to cook them and do them justice. To make good sushi, it is crucial to take care of the raw material. To do marketing ecellence, it is crucial to promote the vision, history and values of the company for which you work. If we dont share them, we wont be able to do good marketing. This is why we must choose carefully the companies we work for. Whether as an employee or as a service provider. We must have common values and find ourselves in our visions. We must speak the same language, have the same epectations. This is essential to evolve in the best conditions and therefore play at your best level. Many applicants pretend to be someone else during an interview.