You've added and exceeded it, and now what to do? What happens if I exceed the billing limit? If you exceed the MEI billing limit, it is mandatory to report the excess billing and request that the category be removed from the Federal Revenue Service. a Microcompany , from one of these two situations: Exceeding the MEI limit by up to 20%, with revenue greater than R$81 thousand, but less than R$97,200; Excess of the MEI limit above 20% , with revenue exceeding R$97,200.
It is common for growing companies to exceed this MEI limit by up to 20%, in this case, reporting this excess is mandatory. In this scenario, the company remains a MEI until the last day of the year, automatically migrating to a micro-enterprise from the first day of the Chile Email List following year, and with payment of the additional DAS on the amount exceeded the billing limit.
However, if within the same year, after this first communication, revenue continues to grow and exceeds 20% of the limit, that is, above R$97,200.00, it will be necessary to make a new communication to the Federal Revenue Office informing the company's situation. Or if the company does not even go through the first communication process, due to a sudden excess above 20%, this serves as the first communication.