Whether online or in store: We want customers to have the best possible experience when purchasing Pentland products . Ian:Are there other online channels that are important to Pentland's brands, perhaps particularly your sports brands? Jessica:Of course, there are many industry giants who have online shopping portals, for example, or chain stores that are very successful in e-commerce. We do business with everyone, but the number of strategic customers is manageable. Google is not used as a shopping tool, but rather as a response tool.
Ian:Now let's talk about markets. Which markets are most important to Pentland outside HK Phone Number of English-speaking countries? How do you decide which markets to focus on? Jessica:Outside of the UK and US, we are currently quite focused on Europe, particularly Germany, which will be our focus in 2020. We have two data analysts on the team who analyze all the data and context they can access for us and develop this strategy for us. When it comes to Amazon, this data tells us that Germany has the greatest potential, which is why we will set our focus accordingly in the coming year. Ian:How have the customer experience and expectations at Amazon changed since you started working with the platform.

Jessica:Interestingly, more and more people are now using Amazon as their starting point when shopping, rather than Google. This is a change of fundamental importance. People ask Google questions like "Why can't I sleep?", but on Amazon they type in "sleeping pills," so they tell Amazon the answer. Google is not used as a shopping tool, but rather as a response tool. Google's responses are used as input for Amazon. Amazon has evolved tremendously in recent years as customers expect next-day delivery, outstanding customer service and the easiest possible purchasing process, made possible by Amazon's 1-Click system as its unique selling point.