listed in the Xiaohongshu Excel table. "Sisters, which one should I choose?" Zygmunt Bauman "Flowing Love" | Source: Douban Bauman proposed that dating on the Internet is a "liquid love." He believes that virtual relationships are gradually replacing fixed and lasting "real relationships" to a certain extent. Dating is becoming an entertainment activity. It is very easy to connect and disconnect between people. Relationships can start or end at any time, and they can come and go freely. There are no fixed social etiquette, so people tend to prefer short-term relationships
rather than lifelong partnerships. relationship not only has complicated Afghanistan WhatsApp Number social etiquette and marriage procedures, but also completes a series of processes such as the establishment and maintenance of the relationship with the attention of others. To a certain extent, Dateme.doc attempts to reconstruct some of the retro social etiquette and Actively pursue intimate relationships that are relatively clear and fruitful. Foreign media reports on Dateme.doc | Source: Internet It is because of the boredom of online dating and the belief

that documents, a retro form of communication, can bring about serious relationships. The social attributes of online documents have been used to open up a new fertile ground for seeking intimate relationships.themselves.” On the one hand, "visibility" is an important factor that affects whether a document can function. Social media platforms transform private expressions, performances, and exchanges into valuable attention and data, helping recommendation algorithms better “learn” what expressions attract attention.