標題: Have already been adopted [打印本頁] 作者: ShapanM44RR 時間: 2023-12-18 13:14 標題: Have already been adopted How to connect a bot in Telegram To connect a ready-made bot to the administration of a channel or chat, you need to start a dialogue with the selected bot and follow the instructions. For example, to set up automatic broadcasting of posts to Zen through a bot, you need to: add Synchrony Zen to the administrators of the telegram channel; in the channel settings on Zen, find the “Telegram bot” tab; generate an access code there and send it to Synchrony; give consent to link the telegram channel to Zen. Connecting a bot to broadcast materials in Zen Connecting a bot to broadcast materials in Zen For more information on how to add a bot in.
Telegram, read the article “Guide: how to connect a ready-made bot to a chat or channel in Telegram.” Creating a bot in Telegram Do you need programming skills to create a telegram bot yourself? Depends on how functional and unique the bot you need. You can create a bot in Web Development Services Telegram yourself in two ways: Using code. To write code, any programming language will do. One of the most popular is Python. You can study it in courses or using materials from the Internet. Next, to develop a bot, you will need the python-telegram-bot package with technical instructions on how to write telegram bots, and any text editor.
This method requires time, resources and programming skills. But the end result is a bot with the capabilities you need. Using the constructor. In this case, programming skills are not required; basic knowledge of web applications is sufficient. Examples of nocode platforms: Manybot, Puzzle Bot, Botobot, Underused. A new bot must be registered with BotFather using a unique token. A simple Telegram bot assembled in the designer will be limited in capabilities, but they are quite sufficient for organizing a food delivery service or customer support.