Select specific locations and specify within how many kilometers
Selecting the target group for Facebook advertising To create ads for a Facebook lead generation campaign, create a new campaign with the "Contact Generation" goal. Selecting a campaign goal in the ads manager, source: Once you've created your Facebook ad campaign, simply add a name, select the Page you want it to apply to, and start building your ad set. When adding a target group for your customer acquisition ad on Facebook, use the audience matching and narrowing options. your Facebook advertising campaign with the "Contact acquisition" goal should be active, select age, gender and targeting criteria.If Facebook indicates that your group is too general, use the "Exclude" or "Narrow" options. An exampleJob Function Email Database of a person to whom we targeted an advertisement for a Google Ads course: a man living in a large city, aged 35-44, interested in Google Ads. Additionally, our recipient was interested in motivation and online advertising. Source: Imagine that thanks to your new Facebook advertising campaign, you will be approached by people similar to those who make your company the most money.
It turns out that after taking the time to analyze, it is definitely possible! See how to create a persona for Facebook advertising that acquires contacts in a few steps: Choose a few clients with whom you found it easiest to work, placed the most orders, and earned money by working with them. Group them according to your preferences - for example by gender, age or behavioral profile. Choose the division that best reflects your intentions regarding the campaign - for example, do you want to address a different offer to women and men, to adults and teenagers, or maybe to B2B and B2C.