Business goals and user value
It can lay the foundation for the product to achieve long-term business goals and represent the user's experience of the core value of the product. Case: Content products: such as Douyin, NetEase Cloud Music, Zhihu, etc., are designed to let users kill time. Common North Star indicators: time spent, content consumption, etc. Douyin - the duration of watching videos, NetEase Cloud Music - the duration of listening to songs, Zhihu - the number of questions answered. Tool products: such as Feishu, Evernote, etc., are designed to allow users to improve efficiency. Common North Star indicators: usage, payment, etc. Feishu - numberof messages sent, Evernote - number of paid or notes. Transaction products: such as, Alibaba, etc., are designed to allow users to complete transactions. Common North Star indicators: transaction Hong Kong Phone Number volume, sales, DAU, etc. Jingdong - total sales, Aliblin - number of booking days. Note: The North Star indicators of the companies mentioned in the above cases are only the author's guesses or references to online information and do not represent the actual situation. On the one hand, some companies have not formulated North Star indicators. On the other hand, North Star indicators will change with the development of the
company. Step : List alternative indicators - filter alternative indicators according to criteria. There are main standards, namely: Can it reflect the core value users get from the product center? Can it lay the foundation for the product to achieve long-term business goals? Can it reflect user activity level? If the indicators become better, can it indicate that the entire company is developing in a good direction? Is it simple, intuitive, accessible, and disassembled? Is it a leading indicator (input indicator) rather than a lagging indicator (output indicator)? Step : Confirm the final North Star indicator - combined with the company's situation and strategic decisions . In the process of confirming the final North Star indicator, four principles should be followed: Finding North Star metrics doesn’t happen overnight, and understanding both users and products takes time. For