Focusing your writing on a few topics
Until then, focus on industries of interest and write whateverclients need — that’s the quickest way to get this going. Q: How do I know whata good niche for me would be? A: Your easiest, best-earning niches generallylie where your experiences and interests intersect with a lucrative topic orindustry. Not sure whether your niche idea would work? Ask yourself, “Who wouldthe big-money clients (or publications) be in this niche, that would pay great rates and have steady work?” If thatquestion is hard to answer, it’s probably not a great niche. If you’reunfamiliar with the writing marketplace, you’ll want to join a writer communitywhere you can ask around and learn from working pros. Q: Do I just choose oneniche? A: Actually, I advise choosing 2-3. Staying a bit diverse will help keepyour business thriving as the economy and individual industries wax and wane. Q: Isn’t it bad to turn away clients who aren’t inmy niche, when I’m just Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List starting out? A: Weirdly, it isn’t. Writing foreveryone and anyone makes your career very scattered,and it’s hard to get any traction. Like they say, ‘the riches arein the niches.’will help you quicklygain expertise and impress clients. Q: What if I super-hate the idea ofchoosing, and I want to stay a generalist? A: Hey, it’s yourbusiness to run — I’m just trying to make this succeed quickly. One other wayto niche your business is by geography. You can market yourself as a DallasFreelance Writer, for instance. If you’re in a mid- to larger-sized city, thiscan also work, if you like working with local clients. 5. Create an onlinepresence Q: I know I need somewhere online people can find me — but as a brokenewbie, what can I do? A: Use your LinkedIn profile (here’s my tip-sheet on howto optimize your profile). Yes, once you get rolling, a writer website will bemuch better. But for now, you can go a long way